Monday, April 23, 2012

Is there anyway I can improve my video card RAM without buying a new video card?

I have a laptop and I meet all of the requirements for Empire Total War, except for the fact that I seem to be just short on video RAM. Is there anyway I can improve this without buying a new graphics card? I'm not really adept at all in using PC's by the way so sorry if this is a stupid question.|||Zero. There is no substitute for dedicated VRAM, and laptop cards are generally irreplaceable|||You can try running less programs...the only thing you can really do, to make a good difference, is start your game, then start task manager, find the game in the processes, and right-click>priority>High(or Realtime). This will make your computer process this, with it's resources, before anything else, making it the most important task...however, unless it's a good, or a media center laptop, I don't think you CAN get a graphics card...You can also try going into BIOS, and messing with graphics that way...but not much...DO NOT do the virtual RAM thing, it will slow down, and cook your Hard Drive!. Also, right click your game shortcut, and go to Advanced, click "disable desktop composition". It puts the desktop at it's most simple form, so less video memory goes to processing the desktop, and more to your game, although, not much.|||1. Run fewer programs. The easiest way to free up RAM and avoid the need for your computer to resort to using virtual memory is limit how much your computer is doing at once. If you have Live Messenger, Photoshop, Word, Excel, and Firefox open at the same time, your computer is trying to do too many things at once. It's going to run slower and possibly crash. When it nears its limit it tells you in a popup that you're running low on virtual memory, so simply close a few windows. Also keep in mind that having a few big files can be just as bad as opening several small ones.

2. Reconfigure your virtual memory settings. You can increase virtual memory your computer has with just a few clicks. Check how much RAM you have under "My Computer" and "General." Then to get into the virtual memory setup from here, click "Advanced." Click on "Settings" under "Performance." Then click the "Advanced" Tab. Next, under "Virtual Memory," click "change." Set the minimum and maximum for 1 1/2 times the amount of RAM you have. Once you've set this, restart your computer. If you make a mistake go back in the same way to reset the defaults.

3. If all fails, just buy a new one. It's worth it.. REALLY.|||I don't really think you can do much. Maybe if you set graphics on Windows and The game to low, Maybe...|||I don't think your laptop has a video card. What laptop model is it?

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