Sunday, May 6, 2012

How do I adjust screen size after installing new video card?

My desktop screen goes out of screen area after inst a 256 ATI Raedon AGP card. Have tried video on control panal with no luck. Even in advanced settings. Internet games now play in a 8X8 box. Cannot drag to adjust.|||You can adjust your monitor screen size by Video Display options. You will see the monitor resulotion and control buttons also... now you can adjust and fix it, on your desired screen size.|||try adjusting the zoom and horizontal and verticle size controls on you monitor; the actual osd on the monitor not the pc|||well one thing for sure man, format your PC then update all driver then play game. Voila problem solve|||"well one thing for sure man, format your PC then update all driver then play game. Voila problem solve"

Did you seriously just recommend that he format his entire hard drive? This is like recommending that someone start a journey over from their home just because they missed a single turn en route.

To the OP, I assume you're using as CRT monitor of some kind? Which card do you have and which version of the ATi drivers did you install after putting in your video card? Make sure you have the latest from the ATi website.

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